Posts Tagged ‘dogs’


Sun ,11/04/2021

Bulldog Loves Watching Passersby Through his Hole, so his Owners Painted 2 Costumes for Him


The Tao of Beaumont…..

Sat ,31/01/2015

What a great dog. Very sadly no longer with us. I made an 11×17 calendar of him in PDF format you can see at this link. If you are interested in getting your own printed copy, let me know (you can download and print yourself too, np – but note the file is 130mb, so pretty big due to the oversized images). Printing it like I did costs about $35 all told at Kinko’s – which is why I could only afford to do one for Dawniel – if you see her anytime soon, check it out in person – it came out really cool, actually.

B, RIP – you were one of a kind.



It’s a dog thing…

Thu ,02/10/2014


I’m of the opinion MOST dogs do this almost daily… 🙂


Pug meal tracking….

Sat ,14/06/2014

Jessica Hagy


Further proof…

Wed ,09/04/2014

That Frenchies are bascially rounder, squatter cats with bigger ears… 🙂



Mon ,15/04/2013

This dog looks like an identical twin to our dog Juno from many years ago…..who never managed to climb into the fridge, it’s true, but….



Is it wrong to laugh….at this?

Wed ,31/10/2012

poor dog – but this is so funny! Ah, cruel humans… 🙂



Wood Rottweilers? Rott….weilers?

Mon ,22/03/2010

OK – so on the way home today I was walking down the street and saw a house that has two large, carved (wood) Rottweilers on either side of the front stoop. I did a double-take, then just laughed to myself and moved on. Wood Rottweilers? I’ve seen stone lions, griffins and dragons, but Rottweilers? I guess it would have been worse had it been Shi Tzu’s, a pair Bichon Frise or Pugs (the latter being the ‘unofficial dog’ of Seattle).

This isn’t the first weird thing that I have seen on our street. Last year (take that time-stamp with a grain of salt) – I was walking to the bus and actually saw A BANANA PEEL on the sidewalk. Having been ‘edumacated’ and ‘moydolized’ in the hallowed halls of Looney Tunes – naturally this was a conundrum: Do I simply savor the (once so far in my life) sight on its own; Do I actually STEP on it and see if it makes me actually slip and fall?; Or finally, Do I simply tell the story ad nauseam at many later dates? I opted for choice #3 – but it was still a cool thing to consider on the way to the bus.

And finally, when we first moved into this house (about 10 years ago this fall), there was a house about 3-4 doors down, white, that had a big 80s poster in the window (facing the street) of what looked like a Lamborghini Countach getting humped by a black panther. Or at minimum, they were in the picture together. Again – no Patrick Nagel painting this – but definitely way 80s. I was sad when (I think) those people must have moved and took the kitty-humping italian supercar poster with them. Sniff!

It’s all good…..
