Posts Tagged ‘beer’

IPA – hop THIS!

Sat ,03/05/2014

Finally, someone says it – and it’s a looooong past due article! Thank you Zach G!

As someone old enough for the ‘last’ microbrew revolution (Portland OR, in the late 80s) I can remember when microbrewers actually cared about differentiation, vs. now – Now, when I ask for the microbrew menu, all I hear is IPA, IPA, IPA – to which I say, WTF? And then I order an Ayinger, Spaten or something else. Portland Brewing used to make at least two great weissbiers – not in the Widmer way – both gone. Wither Bridgeport Coho? Grant’s Weissbier with the polar bear on it? Heck, I’d take a Rainier Dark (only had it at the now closed brewery back in ’94, it was only sold in limited amounts to taverns)? Guys, it’s time to take beer back from the hoppy crap and leave that to the English! There are plenty of better places brewing beer (even on the UK islands – been to Scotland?) that offer inspiration…..?


From The Seattle Weekly: The Bar Code: Put Down That IPA!