Posts Tagged ‘american history’

The Summer of 1787 – David O. Stewart

Mon ,04/02/2019

Also finished this book a few days ago – this is the biographical story of the Constutional Convention, held in Philadelphia over several brutally hot months, where many (but certainly not all and some only sporadically) Founding Fathers and other wise men debated, re-debated, wrote, pontificated and argued over the ultimate form of our resulting Constitution and Bill of Rights. We all owe them a lot, even if the document wasn’t perfect by any means (ignored slavery, womens’ suffrage and some other key areas that have been mostly amended since. While there are certainly areas to the narrative the author points out are lacking (as he notes, we rely today much more on Madison’s extensive notes and some letters from other attendees but are still largely in the dark about outside meetings and gatherings that took place in and around the Convention all summer long by various groups) – I’d actually like to read more, if it existed…..

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